Senin, 14 Mei 2012

The story of a Jew who circumcise millions of people (must read)

Somewhere in France some fifty years ago, there was a 50-year-old Turkish national named Ibrahim, it is the parents who sell food at the grocery store. The store is located in an apartment where one of the residents are Jewish families who had a child named "Jad" was 7 years old.
Jad Jewish boy went to the store almost every day the place where Abraham worked to purchase the house, each time to get out of the store-and-Jad Ibrahim deems careless always take a piece of Ibrahim's brown without permission.
One day after shopping, do not forget the chocolate Jad when going out, then suddenly called him and told Ibrahim that he forgot to take a piece of chocolate as her habit. Jad was shocked, because he thinks that Abraham did not know what he was doing. He immediately apologized and feared that it was Ibrahim reported his actions to his parents.
Ibrahim replied: "Never mind, it is important you promise to not take anything without permission, and any time you want to get out of here, take a piece of chocolate, it is yours!" Jad also agreed with excitement.
Time passed, the year was changed and the Muslim Ibrahim is now a father and friend Jad familiar to the child Jewish.
Jad has become a habit when faced with the problem, he always came and consulted to Abraham. And every time Jad finished, Ibrahim always take a book from the drawer, give it to Jad and then told him to open it at random. After Jad open it, then Ibrahim read the two pieces of it, close it and start giving advice and solutions to problems Jad.
Several years went by and so the days passed with Jad Ibrahim, a Turkish Muslim parents and not highly educated.
14 years, Jad has now become a young and dashing 24-year-old, while Ibrahim was 67 years old.
Ibrahim was eventually died, but before his death he had kept a box that is deposited to their children inside the box which he always put a book he read every time Jad consults him. Ibrahim saying the children later gave the book as a gift for Jad, a young Jew.
New Jad Ibrahim knew his death when his son expressed a will to provide a box, Jad felt shocked and deeply saddened by the news, because Abraham was the one who has been to provide solutions of all problems, and Ibrahim was the only one true friend to him.
Haripun-day pass, Every time dogged by problems, Jad always remembered Ibrahim. Now he just left a box. He always opened the box, stored inside a book that used to read every time he came to Ibrahim.
Jad and try thumbing through the book, but the book contains the Arabic writing while he could not read it. Then he went to one of his friends are nationals of Tunisia and asked him to read two pages of the book. Just as the habit of always asking Ibrahim first opened a book at random as he came to consult.
Friends Tunisia was then read and explain the meaning of the two pieces he had pointed. And it turns out, what was read by his friend, wearing exactly into the problems experienced by Jad at the time. Then Jad told me about the problems that befall the middle, then Tunisianya friend gave him a solution according to what he read from the book.
Jad was shocked shocked, full of curiosity and then asked, "What is this!"
He replied: "It is the Qur'an, the holy book of Islam!"
Jad slightly in disbelief, amazed at the same time,
Jad and again asked: "How do I become a Muslim?"
His friend replied: "Say the creed and follow the Shari'a!"
After that, and without any sense of hesitation, Jad then say the Creed, he was now converted to Islam!
Jadullah a Muslim.
Jad has now become a Muslim, then he changed his name to Al-Qur'an Jadullah takdzim the book as a sense of the Qur'an is so special and able to answer all problems of life so far. And since that's when he decided to spend the rest of his life in the service of spreading the teachings of the Quran.
Jadullah start studying the Qur'an and understand its contents, followed by preaching in Europe to successfully convert the six thousand Jews and Christians.
One day, Jadullah thumbing through a gift of the Holy Qur'an that Ibrahim. Suddenly he found a sheet bearing the image of the world map. By the time his eyes fixed on the African continent the picture, look at it listed under the signature and the signature of Abraham was inscribed the verse:
'Call (humans) to the path of thy Lord with wisdom and good lesson! ... " (Surat an-Nahl: 125)
And he believes that this is a testament of Abraham, and he decided to carry it out.
Some time later Jadullah leave Europe and go preach to African countries that include Kenya, southern Sudan (the majority of the population are Christians), Uganda and surrounding countries. Jadullah managed to convert the more than six million (six million) people from ethnic Zolo, is only one tribe, not with the other tribes.

End of Life Jadullah
Jadullah Al-Qur'an, a true Muslim, true preacher, spent 30 years of age to preach Islam in African countries are arid and managed to convert the millions of people.
Jadullah died in 2003, which previously had pain. At that time he was 45 years old, he died in times of preaching.
The story was not finished
Al-Qur'an Jadullah mother was a Jewish woman who fanatic, he is an educated woman and a lecturer at a university. Her mother had converted to Islam in 2005, two years after the death of Jadullah is now 70 years old.
The mother recalled that when her son was alive, he spent 30 years trying hard to restore his son to return to the Jews in various ways, with all his experience, knowledge and reliability of its ability, but he was unable to influence his son to return to Jews. While Ibrahim, a Muslim parent who is not highly educated, able to soften his heart to embrace Islam, it is not because Islam is the only true religion.
Then the question: "Why does Jad Jewish boy embraced Islam?"
Jadullah Qur'an Al-Ibrahim said that he had known for 17 years never called him with the words: "O ye who disbelieve!" or "Hey Jew!" Abraham did not even have to simply say: "Come in Islamic religion!"
Imagine, for 17 years Abraham was never even taught him about religion, about Islam or about the Jews. A simple Muslim parents never took her discussion of religious issues. But he knows how to guide the heart of a child to be bound by the Qur'an's morality.
Then from the testimony of DR. Shafwat Hijazi (one of the famous Egyptian preacher) who was once attended a seminar in London to discuss the problems in Darfur and handling solutions of Christianity, he met with one tribal leader Zolo. When asked if he embraced Islam through Al-Qur'an Jadullah?, He replied; not! but he embraced Islam through people Jadullah Islamicised by Al-Qur'an.
Subhanallah, there will be how many more people will convert to Islam by the people who Islamicised by Jadullah Al-Qur'an. And Jadullah Al-Qur'an itself embraced Islam through the hands of an old Muslim Turkish nationals who are not educated, but has much character and far more noble and sacred.
That saga about Jadullah Al-Qur'an, this story is the true story of a writer then get translated author of the notes of the late Sheikh Imad Iffat, dubbed as "The Revolutionary Sheikh Egypt". He is a scholar and a member of Al-Azhar Fatwa Institution Egyptian martyr who was shot in an incident in Cairo on Friday, December 16, 2011 ago.
The real story is worthy of us contemplate together in times like this full of slander. While many people who have no longer heed the Qur'anic way of preaching. Mengkafirkan easy, glib insults, false claims, declared heretical, curse, slander, even though they are fellow Muslims.
First-preacher preacher we have struggled to spread monotheism and Islamize the unbelievers, but why are people who are actually just dikafir-Islam and accused kafirkan shirk? Are we not obliged to punish only thing of which seem right? While the inner problem let Allah punish later. We did not ordered to split the breast of every human being to know the degree to which every person of faith.
Let us reflect on the letter Taha verse 44 the command of Allah. to the Prophet Moses and Aaron - 'alaihimassalam when they will go mendakwahi pharaohs. Allah said,
"Then speak to him with words of gentleness, I hope he remembers or fear."
Imagine, the pharaoh who obviously cursed infidels, but as propaganda to people like he should stick with the words of gentleness. So whether we are living in today's world there are more Muslim than the Prophet Moses and Aaron? Or are there people who are currently making more infidels than the Quran pharaohs were recording their disbelief so far? So what is the reason for us not to use the method dahwah the Qur'an? That is, with wisdom, good advice, and discussion using a strong argument but still polite and courteous?
So the mission we need to consider is how we so easily convey the truth of Islam. Therefore, if now we find there are those who disbelieve, be it in the end God will give guidance to him so that he converted to Islam. Did not Umar bin Khattab had also been hostile to the Prophet? But God willed the other, so that Umar also received guidance and eventually converted to Islam. Then if there is now a Muslim, could be revoked at the end of his life God's guidance from him so that he dies in a state of disbelieve. Thumma Na'udzubillah Na'udzubillahi min forbid.
For verily the first sin committed devil is cocky and arrogant and the most sacred feel myself so did not want to accept the truth of God with respect to the prophet Adam prostration - 'alaihissalam-. Therefore, it could be God's guidance repeal of a high Muslim hearts and gave it to a heathen humble. Everything for God nothing is impossible!
Let us maintain our belief in Islam has embraced this, and never pout or "undermine" the creed of others who also have embraced Islam and bertauhid. We are brothers seislam co-religionists. Is good to remind each other, protect each other is a good fellow Muslim faith. Let us always fought shoulder to shoulder for the sake of things which is fine.
And Allaah knows best Wa Ta'ala A'la Bis-Shawab.

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